Personal injury settlement disputes

Personal injury settlement disputes

If you believe that you have received compensation for a personal injury that is under-value then you may be able to dispute this. Personal injury claims is a growing area and sometimes settlements fall short.

This is usually as a result of inadequate knowledge or expertise or even mishandling on the part of the law firm who originally took the claim. You may not even be aware that you have received an under-value settlement.


Claims are often settled too quickly which means that important information may be missed or not yet been received. If you feel that this might have been the case, or you have received an under-value settlement, then talk to our expert claims team at Tayntons.

We offer an up to 45-minute initial consultation for £150.00 plus VAT (£180.00) which will include a review of the various funding options available to you.

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To contact us please call 0800 158 4147 or 03330 145451 or email

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