Author Archives for Kat Hale

Checking The Terms Of An EHC Plan

The Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan is gradually replacing the Special Educational Needs (SEN) statement, and aims to determine the level of additional support that a child needs in order to ensure that they receive a suitable and good quality education. The Application Process As with the SEN statement, it is necessary to go…

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Special Educational Needs and Legal Advice in Gloucester

Any parent or guardian of a child or young person with special educational needs will know that accessing help and provision can be a bureaucratic nightmare. This may be even truer now that the system has changed. From the mid-nineties until 2014, children and young people could apply to be assessed in order to obtain…

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EHC Plans To Replace Statements of Special Educational Needs

Being statemented has provided a means for parents with children that have special educational needs to ensure that their son or daughter receives the level of educational support that they need in order to enjoy a decent education. For a lot of children with special education needs, a statement has proven the difference between struggling…

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The EHC Plan Application Process

Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans are replacing statements of SEN, and although they should have the same ultimate aim, the process and the plan itself can be confusing. Every child is entitled to have access to suitable education, and while this is possible for the vast majority of children without the need for additional…

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Applying For An Education, Health And Care Plan

The Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan has been introduced as a replacement for the statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and is meant to identify any additional requirements that a child with special educational needs might have. The replacement is gradual, and this means that some parents may still have or need to apply…

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Appealing An EHC Decision

The Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan is gradually replacing the Special Educational Needs (SEN) statement, and while the basic principles remain the same, the process and the actual plan itself have changed to some degree. However, if your child has special educational needs, or cannot receive the level of educational support that they require…

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