Archives for September 2021

What will happen to the children if I get divorced?

For parents, the hardest part of a divorce often relates to issues surrounding their children. There are natural concerns over where they will live, how long they will spend with each parent and how they will adjust to the changes. Agreeing arrangements for children Ideally, you and your children’s other parent will agree on the…

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What is financial disclosure?

During a divorce, when issues arise over finances, both parties will be required to fully disclose their financial situation to each other. Once full disclosure has been made, you can move on to negotiating a financial settlement. The more efficiently the disclosure stage of the divorce is dealt with, the quicker and more cost-effective the…

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SEND Tribunal: The National Trial

The National Trial began on 3rd April 2018 and extended the powers of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal under The Special Educational Needs and Disability (First-tier Tribunal Recommendations Power) Regulations 2017. Previously the Tribunal could only order amendments to Sections B, F and I of a child or young person’s EHCP.  From April…

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