
The importance of making a Will Q&A

We participated in Solicitors Chat on Twitter answering questions about the misconception that Wills are only for older people. We’ve set out our answers out below: At what point in their life can someone make a will? And at what point should they make a will? You can make a Will at any point in…

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As your company grows, so does the risk to it if you are not completely up-to-date with your HR and legal needs. Leaving things to chance, or expecting what you have always done to suit the needs of an expanding business is dangerous. Failing to prepare for all eventualities, will mean your business will prepare…

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Shared Parental Leave and Enhanced Maternity Rights

Is it directly or indirectly discriminatory that men are paid less when on shared parental leave than women on maternity leave? In a ground-breaking decision, the Court of Appeal has answered that burning question in the negative. Women are entitled to 52 weeks’ leave after giving birth, 39 of them paid. The first six of…

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Supporting Employees and Gender Identity

We participated in Solicitors Chat on Twitter answering questions about how employers can support employees when it comes to expressing their gender identity. Our Chartered Legal Executive, Lucy Watson, was on hand to provide some much needed guidance. We’ve set out our answers out below. 1.What are The Equality Act 2010 and The Gender Recognition…

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Communication with Clients Q&A

We participated in Solicitors Chat on Twitter answering questions about why good communication between clients and solicitors is so important. Our Chartered Legal Executive, Lucy Watson, was on hand to provide some much needed guidance. We’ve set out our answers out below. How do you help your clients understand their case when it comes to…

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